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SAFHT Programs

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The Southlake Academic Family Health Team provides a variety of preventative and educational programs!

Each program is presented by a SAFHT healthcare professional and is available to all rostered patients.

Smoking Cessation

We offer smoking cessation treatment and counselling to our patients who wish to quit smoking. We use innovative means and methods to assist patients quit smoking.

Mental Health Program

Our Social Worker's will work with you to cope with difficult life situations such as a management of stress, anxiety, depression, loss, and relationship concerns.

Weight Management

We will help you understand WHY you make food choices and will help you develop skills to stay on your path to health living.


Run by our nurses and lactation consultants, this program will educate patients on the benefits of breastfeeding, and address any questions you may have.

Chronic Disease Management

Our team will help diagnose, support, and provide self-management skills and education to our patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

Healthy Heart Workshop

Our Pharmacist and Dietitian run interactive workshops to provide helpful information for patients about managing their blood pressure and cholesterol.

Quality Improvement Program

Identifying and tracking specific measures and targets to improve patient access to our, promote patient medication safety, and prevent hospital visits where possible.

Complex Care Program (CCP)

We provide a comprehensive, team-based approach to care planning and management to help you manage your conditions effectively.

Our Partners
  • Southlake Community OHT
  • Southlake Regional Health Centre
  • Aurora-Newmarket Family Health Team
  • Health for All Family Health Team
  • Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto
  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
  • Heart & Stroke Foundation
  • La Leche League Canada
  • Central Regional Cancer Program
  • Thrombosis Canada
  • Osteoporosis Canada