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Quality Improvement

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What is a Quality Improvement Plan?

A Quality Improvement Plan is a public commitment to meet quality improvement goals.

By developing a Quality Improvement Plan, organizations such as hospitals, long-term care homes, and in primary and home care outline how they will improve the quality of care they provide to their patients, residents or clients.

Our team of physicians, resident physicians, integrated health professionals (including case worker, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, dietitian, nurses and social workers), along with our experienced medical administrative staff, are committed to improving our patients’ experience on all fronts, from easy communication and timely access to excellent medical care.


Patient Experience Survey

Improving the patient experience is central to improving quality in primary care. To understand what works for patients and what needs to improve, the University of Toronto’s Department of Family and Community Medicine’s 14 teaching sites collaborated to launch a joint patient experience survey in Spring 2020. The survey includes questions to understand timely access to care, perspectives on virtual care, patient engagement in care and more. The survey is sent every 4-6 months to registered patients at each of our teaching sites and is available in English, French and Mandarin. 

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