Adolescent Group “Youth are the Leaders of Tomorrow”
The focus is on self-esteem and empowerment for youth who are looking closely at connections and well balanced relationships. It will provide tools and resources for communication skills; setting goals for success; and life/social skills. Topics will be explored through discussion; action methods, role play, art and design, creativity and spontaneity.
Requirements: must be an enrolled patient at the FHT, aged 14-17
Advanced Access Mental Health
Advanced Access appointments are available to you should you want more information about local community resources. These resources are specific to meet your needs but typically can include: mental health community agencies/referrals/groups/programs, caregiver resources and supports, job re-training programs, re-entry into the workplace, senior programs, groups, home care (CCAC and private), and information about various social programs (i.e. OW, ODSP, ADP).
Requirements: must be an enrolled patient at the FHT
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Groups
Mind Over Mood Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a structured 6 week program aimed at giving people the tools to identify and solve their problems, reducing their level of anxiety and depression. This program is organized and facilitated by our team of Social Workers. It is aimed at addressing negative thinking patterns, and activating one’s life through behaviour change.
Requirements: must be an enrolled patient at the FHT and 16 years of age or older
Mental Health Services (Individual Counselling)
Why seek counselling?
Twenty percent of Canadians will have a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Mental health problems affect relationships, work and quality of life. Common reasons to see a mental health professional include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Self-Esteem Issues
- Stress Management/Situational Stress
- Grief/Loss
- Insomnia
- Relationship Issues
- Parenting/Family Issues
- Self-Development
Requirements: must be an enrolled patient at the FHT and 16 years of age or older
Personal Growth Group
This is a therapeutic group which involves self-development and enhancement of all aspects of the person—individual feelings and their effectiveness in living. It includes the development of positive life skills and the development of a realistic and healthy self-esteem. Personal development involves mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth. It addresses life skills necessary to address areas of life such as: feeling about one’s self; intimacy, family, friends, career, and lift those struggling with anxiety, depression, or poor self-esteem.
Requirements: must be an enrolled patient at the FHT and 18 years of age or older